Gym Intimidation Fears

Gym Intimidation Fears

The #1 reason I hear from people who are intimidated to join the gym is this: the assumption that everyone there is already in shape. I am here to tell you that is simply not true. It is my job, from the day you walk in, to help you get in shape and get stronger....
Rule #10 – Building Better Habits

Rule #10 – Building Better Habits

As the final installment of “Women’s Rules for Fitness”, I wanted to write something of real substance that most other Coaches don’t talk about. It’s unpopular because it hits you where it hurts. The act of self-betrayal. It applies to both women & men....
Dear Dr. Letter – Our Gym & Your Health

Dear Dr. Letter – Our Gym & Your Health

What if you could write your Doctor an honest and straightforward letter about how he/she can help you become a healthier & happier person? Would your Doctor take the time read it? Would your Doctor take the time to review it with you? Better yet, would your...
Facing Fear- A Woman’s Perspective

Facing Fear- A Woman’s Perspective

A few years ago, I may have been uncomfortable sharing certain aspects of my life for fear of being judged. Now I’ve learned to embrace those things that I’ve gone through because I realized they shaped me into the proud woman I am today. Hopefully, this...