Ketosis vs. Ketoacidosis – Is there a difference?

Ketosis vs. Ketoacidosis – Is there a difference?

Let’s make a general but factual statement. Ketosis is not dangerous. Ketoacidosis is dangerous. Many people often confuse the two conditions. They are not the same thing! Ketosis Ketosis is a metabolic state in which your body uses ketone bodies in the blood as fuel,...

Part II – A Historical Timeline of LCHF

Part II – A Historical Timeline of LCHF Low-Carb-High-Fat diets are not new. In fact, as early as 1860, low carb higher fat diets have been documented to be effective not only for fat loss, but for improving a variety of health parameters. In Part I of this series, I...

Why We Sabotage Our Loved Ones – A Dieter’s Guide

The Family Saboteur – A Dieter’s Strategy For Success Change is hard. Change becomes harder when you’re friends and family sabotage your efforts to make lifestyle changes, intentionally or not. When people get threatened, they usually fight back. Lifestyle...

Diabetes – Challenging Conventional Advice

Trying to manage Diabetes is like trying to manage your vehicles oil leak. You know you have a leak but you don’t fix it. So you keep adding oil to manage the leak. It keeps leaking and you keep adding. Until one day, your vehicle breaks down and your engine...
Eliseo Is Back – How He Lost 56lbs in 8 Months

Eliseo Is Back – How He Lost 56lbs in 8 Months

Eight months ago Eliseo started training with us at Wolf Den Strength. He had lofty goals to lose weight and get strong. On his first day at our gym, I almost referred him out to a cardiologist. His physical conditioning was in such dismay that his blood pressure...