Opportunity Narrows as Capability Wanes

Opportunity Narrows as Capability Wanes Comprehending how WE live is a pretty common understanding. We know this to be true in the most basic of senses, as in birth, the fragility of life, and mortality. Even intellectually, we can decipher life as a series of...
Gym Intimidation Fears

Gym Intimidation Fears

The #1 reason I hear from people who are intimidated to join the gym is this: the assumption that everyone there is already in shape. I am here to tell you that is simply not true. It is my job, from the day you walk in, to help you get in shape and get stronger....

Diabetes – Challenging Conventional Advice

Trying to manage Diabetes is like trying to manage your vehicles oil leak. You know you have a leak but you don’t fix it. So you keep adding oil to manage the leak. It keeps leaking and you keep adding. Until one day, your vehicle breaks down and your engine...